Chik juk ging wan [part 2] (1997) [2:55] (aka Bare Foot Thriller; The Peeping Tom)
Featuring Miho Namoto and 2 unknowns
Keywords: cleave gags, rope, leather straps, chains, hands behind, ankles together, strappado, underwear, barefoot, Hong Kong
Boogeyman 2 (2007) [1:01]
Featuring Mae Whitman
Keywords: tape gag, tape bondage, hands at sides, snuff, USA
Sexbomb [part 1] (1989) [2:57]
Featuring Delia Sheppard and unknown
Keywords: tape gag, tape bondage, rope, hands to chair arms, hands behind, ankles to chair legs, dress, putz, USA
Sexbomb [part 2] (1989) [2:52]
Featuring Delia Sheppard
Keywords: tape gag, tape bondage, hands to chair arms, ankles to chair legs, dress, USA
La reine de nacre (2000) [2:31]
Featuring Julia Masini
Keywords: knockout (chloroform), cleave gag, rope, hands behind, onscreen gagging, dress, France, Belgium
L'ispettore Giusti "Il Segreto del Vecchio Pistolero" (1999) [1:00]
Featuring Mietta
Keywords: tape gag, hands behind, Italy
BlackJack: In the Money (2005) [1:49]
Featuring Helen Thomson
Keywords: tape gag, tape bondage, hands in front, ankles together, Australia
Die Kumpel "Adel verpflichtet" (2001) [0:53]
Featuring Nana Krüger
Keywords: knockout (choking), tape gag, chains, hands in front, carrying, Germany
Hit and Run [part 1] (2009) [3:30]
Featuring Laura Breckenridge
Keywords: knockout, tape gag, wire, chains, surgical tubing, hands at sides, ankles together, USA
Hit and Run [part 2] (2009) [3:22]
Featuring Laura Breckenridge
Keywords: tape gag, wire, chains, surgical tubing, hands at sides, ankles together, USA
Babysitter Wanted [part 1] (2008) [3:59]
Featuring Tina Houtz and Sarah Thompson
Keywords: knockout (blow), cleave gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, underwear, snuff, USA
Babysitter Wanted [part 2] (2008) [3:57]
Featuring Sarah Thompson
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, onscreen gagging, USA
Babysitter Wanted [part 3] (2008) [4:11]
Featuring Sarah Thompson
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, USA
Ryôjoku mesu ichiba - kankin (1986) [4:15] (aka Female Market: Imprisonment)
Featuring Kaori Asô and 5 unknowns
Keywords: knockout (chloroform), rope, hands behind, ankles together, suspension, underwear, nudity, barefoot, Japan
Mörderischer Pakt [0:44]
Featuring unknown
Keywords: tape gag, tape bondage, hands in front, ankles together, skirt, barefoot, Germany
Die Rote Meile "Freundinnen" (1999) [1:42]
Featuring Christiane Hagemann
Keywords: handgag, tape gag, handcuffs, Germany
Meteor: Path to Destruction [part 1] (2009) [3:46]
Featuring Mimi Michaels
Keywords: OTM gag, tape gag, handcuffs, hands behind, USA
Meteor: Path to Destruction [part 2] (2009) [1:32]
Featuring Mimi Michaels
Keywords: tape gag, handcuffs, hands together over head, hands in front, hands behind, onscreen tying, USA
Cento Vetrine "Soap Intl" [0:43]
Featuring Anna Safroncik
Keywords: tape gag, hands behind, Italy
Beer for My Horses [part 1] (2008) [2:23]
Featuring Claire Forlani
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands behind, USA
Beer for My Horses [part 2] (2008) [2:28]
Featuring Claire Forlani
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands behind, USA
Ein Vater im Alleingang (1999) [1:07]
Featuring Isabella Parkinson
Keywords: knockout (chloroform), tape gag, tape bondage, hands behind, ankles together, Germany
Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke (1965) [0:50] (aka Samurai Spy)
Featuring Misako Watanabe
Keywords: handgag, cleave gag, rope, hands behind, ankles together, skirt, Japan
Midnight Movie (2008) [2:33]
Featuring Rebekah Brandes and Mandell Maughan
Keywords: knockout (blow), cleave gags, leather cuffs, hands spread at sides, barefoot, putz, USA
Home and Away "4337" [0:20]
Featuring Jessica Tovey
Keywords: cleave gag, rope, hands in front, Australia